ZZ Plant
- Foliage is thick, glossy green or black.
- Slow Growing
- Tolerates a wide range of conditions
- Can grow 2′-3′ tall.
- Will grow in any light condition (except total darkness)
- Water when dry 3/4 way down before watering again. (When unsure, better to wait a little longer.)
- We consider this plant to be low maintenance.
Sanseveria (Snake Plant)
Prounouced (san-suh-VAIR-ee-ah)
- So many varieties to choose from!
- Leaves can be green, silver, streaked, variegated with yellow or white
- Size varies depending on variety. Some stay small and compact, suitable for a table or desk. Others will get more than 3′ tall
- Slow Growing
- Tolerates a wide range of growing conditions
- Will grow in any light condition except total darkness.
- Allow to dry down almost entirely before watering again thoroughly. If unsure, err on the side of waiting a little longer.
Some Pothos
(Prounounced: POH-thos)
- Not all varieties are good for beginners. Stick with one of these varieties: Golden, Neon, Marble, Global Green, or N’Joy
- Has a trailing habit but will stay more compact if pruned.
- Grow quickly.
- Low to bright indirect light.
- Allow to dry 1/2 way down before watering thoroughly.
Some Philodendron
(Prounounced: fihl-oh-DEHN-drihn)
- Many varieties are good for beginners, but not all of them. A few we recommend are.
- Growing habit varies by variety
- Medium-Bright indirect light. Some varieties (like Brasil and Heartleaf) will even tolerate low light.
- Allow to dry 1/2 way down before watering again thoroughly. If unsure, err on the side of waiting a little longer.
Some Aglaoenema (Chinese Evergreen)
(Prounounced: aygh-lee-oh-NEE-muh)
- Many varieties are good for beginners, but not all of them. A few we recommend are Maria, Silver Bay, Siam, and Spring Snow
- Wide range of foliage colors
- Tolerates a wide range of growing conditions
- Mature sizes range from 2′-3′
- Low to Bright indirect light
- Allow to dry 1/2 way down before watering thoroughly. If unsure, err on the side of waiting a little longer.