Suburban Lawn & Garden’s delivery charges are based on which vehicle(s) need to be used for the delivery, the origin location of the product, and the destination location.
When multiple items are being delivered, different vehicles may be required. If so, separate delivery charges will be incurred.
Dump Truck
Soils, Sand, Gravel, Compost, Bulk Mulch
(Quantities vary according to product)
* Free Delivery offer is only available for Bulk Mulch when certain quantities are purchased.
- fountains & statuary
- fencing
- pavers
- boulders & rock (250 lbs.+)
- more than 20 bags of; soils, gravels
- mulches (max. load: 8 pallets or 16,000 lbs.)
**There is a fully refundable deposit of $30.00 on all pallets. You will be credited once you return it to our store.
Small (Lightweight)
- All B&B Shrubs
- Container Shrubs
- Statuary under 75 lbs
- Container Trees up to 15 gal
- Upright Junipers up to 5’
- 1”-1 ½” Trees,
- 3’, 4’, 5’ Pine & Spruce Trees
- Bagged Products (up to 20, see pallet rate)
- Edging
- 1 ¾” – 2 ¾” Trees
- Container Trees over 15 gal
- Upright Junipers up to 6’-8’
- Statuary (75 lbs. to 150 lbs)
- Pine & Spruce Trees 6’, 7’ tall
Large (Heavyweight)
- 3”- 3½” Evergreen Trees
- 8’ Trees (Except Spruce, *see XL rate)
- Statuary 150-250 lbs.
Extra Large
- 3”-4” caliper clump trees
- 4”- 5” caliper trees
- 8’ Spruce Trees
- +9’ Evergreen trees